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The Code Is the Key (TCITK) for Year 2 builds upon the foundational skills taught in Year 1 by extending students’ knowledge of various ways to write the sounds of English. It continues to teach students to isolate, pronounce, blend, segment and manipulate sounds, while advancing their knowledge of the spelling patterns that represent them.

In just 10 minutes a day, students learn additional graphemes for the sounds of English and develop knowledge of blends, plurals, suffixes, and contractions. Similar sounds are taught in pairs to support correct pronunciation and sound discrimination.

Structured and Consistent Lessons

Daily 10-minute lessons

Three 10-minute lessons per sound use unique and interactive components and routines to teach students to isolate the sound, identify the sound's spelling patterns, and use these spelling patterns to make and write words.

Lesson 1

Using a consistent say it, hear it, find it, write it routine, students learn to pronounce the sound, listen for it in different positions, generate words that contain the sound, and discover how the sound is written in those words.

Lesson 2

Students find the sound in words in the Sound Poem. They then play with sounds in those words and find the code for the focus sound, looking for patterns that show where the graphemes are used.

Lesson 3

Students use Elkonin boxes and the Sounds and Spellings cards to segment words into sounds and match sounds to graphemes, including high-frequency words, words with blends, and words with more than one syllable. Then they work together to build words using the Code Cards.

Empowering Teachers and Supporting English Learners

Every TCITK Year 2 kit includes a Teacher Lesson Book with teacher notes, additional support for English learners, and activities reinforcing each sound learned. The kit's interactive resources simplify lesson planning and boost student engagement.

Included Resources:

  • Animal mnemonic Code Cards with 150 graphemes
  • Sound Poems for phonemic awareness and language development
  • Class Sound Dictionary - large format flip book to record students’ words
  • Practice activities for writing and recognising graphemes, segmenting words into sounds, and decoding words
  • Sounds & Spellings Student Cards and Teacher Chart
  • Elevate & Evaluate - Professional learning guide that includes a suite of valid and reliable assessments

Evidence-Proven Approach

Backed by Research, Proven in Classrooms

TCITK uses a linguistic phonics approach supported by five years of research and evidence from over 5,000 students. It accelerates reading and writing achievement for all children, regardless of gender, ethnicity and socioeconomic. Using a structured and explicit approach, TCITK engages students in meaningful interactive learning activities that lead to significant improvements in literacy outcomes.

After 18 months of instruction, the low-decile Trial students were reading on average, 3 months above their chronological age.

Their reading ages were 6 months ahead of the Comparison low-decile students, despite both groups having the same literacy knowledge profiles at school-entry.

"Her explicit and systematic approach highlights the power of learning to write the code, which leads to great improvements in reading, writing, and spelling. No teacher – and no student is left behind."

John Hattie on TCITK

Elevate and Evaluate – Professional Learning

What teachers need to teach and what students need to learn about written English

TCITK Year 2 resource includes Elevate & Evaluate, a comprehensive professional learning guide for literacy teachers. The guide emphasises the importance of teaching the foundations for literacy and offers a range of reliable and valid assessment tools.

Professional Learning for Teachers:

  • In-depth guide to teaching the foundation skills for reading, writing and spelling
  • Assessment tools to drive instruction and track student progress
  • Evidence-proven practices that close the literacy gap
  • Flowcharts for analysing students’ writing, spelling and decoding skills and much more

Help your students accelerate their reading and writing progress with evidence-proven instruction. Build a strong foundation for literacy and equip every child with the tools to succeed.