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Sound Rhymes

Engaging rhymes and simple activities that build a solid platform for learning to read and write

With rhythmical, rhyming text written by Jill Eggleton and simple, age-appropriate activities developed by Joy Allcock, the Sound Rhymes help children learn all the sounds of English along with the foundational literacy skills they need to understand the alphabetic code.

Components include:

  • Guide Card
    A helpful guide to all 45 rhymes, the built-in activities, and the speech-to-sounds-to-print approach

  • Sound Rhyme Cards
    45 A3-size cards, one for each sound of English, with an illustrated rhyme on the front and built-in activities on the back that build a variety of foundational literacy skills

  • Digital Rhymes and Printables
    Digital and printable versions of the Sound Rhymes, which allow them to be projected for the whole class or printed out for each student

The Sound Rhymes can help you build foundational literacy skills with activities that are simple, fast, and fun.


Sound Rhymes



  • One double-sided A2 Guide Card,
  • 45 double-sided A2 Sound Rhyme Cards,
  • Digital Rhymes,
  • Downloadable Blackline Masters

Book Format

Physical Format

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Sound Rhymes - VitalSource E-book


Book Format

VitalSource E-book

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